as written on; Sunday, September 28, 2008

1:39 AM | 0 comments

End of the 1st semester

"We" had been planning to go to Sunway Lagoon since foreva.
But there always seemed to be all sorts of obstacles whenever "we" wanted to go.
Even though Sunway Lagoon is just a few minutes away from my house,
i've only been there like twice & Since P6 i have never set foot there again.
Sad betul lar whenever i think of it.

On the bright side, after 7 long years......
I finally had the chance to go Sunway Lagoon with my coll mates!!


Quite successful since it was just a random suggestion.
But in the end that random suggestion became reality. Yays* //smile

I nearly couldn't make it coz i was kinda sick but i'm glad i went. =D

After that, we went to Yuan's Steamboat Restaurant for dinner.
The food there was pretty good & quite cheap. Buffet steamboat.

Gotta bring my parents there next time. The BBQ chicken wings were heaven.
U'd have to be fast or else there would be none left.

We took a total amount of 155 pictures that nite. Scary.
Well u dun expect me to upload every single one here rite? And frankly i dun even have all the photos yet.

*Curses phone line*
ahh well.. It was a great way to end our semester. ^^

Plain Happy.


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[[ .Introduction. ]]

Name: JessicaJhq
Bdae: 13th march
Nicks: Cherry
Skool: Ask me
Contact: Ask me too

[[ .Typically Me. ]]

JESS is weird. :3
Still learning to drive.
Loves to play ps *especially beatin up the bad guys by accident*.
Can wiggle her nose like wabbit.
Loves photography.
Takes the role of being LAME/LAMER/LAMEST OF ALL.
STILL acts like a KID.
Sensitive at times.
Stubborn & not to mention LAZY.
I'm a couch potato.
Hard to move my ass off da couch once i've placed my butt in position.
Imaginative, loves japanese anime,
shopping, cartoons & FOOD.
Blah blah blah. Ask me. :]

[[ .Crapping Box. ]]

[[ .My Fav Babes. ]]

mini ling mini teng
mini wc

[[ .My Friends. ]]

|Kayan| |Fai-LMAO| |ZhengWei| |Rachel| |WaiBin| |Bruce| |Gam Mou| |Liwei| |Munya| |Yoongwei| |Cynthia| |Leeyien| |Bryan| |GoodBin| |Jasmine.Tea| |WChien| |ChoyLing| |Karen| |HuiSee| |Hakuna.Matata| |Crystal.Clear| |Kikie| |Zheng Yang| |PooiKee| |Puimon| |Munsuet| |Princess.Puiyee| |KennyLoh|

[[ .E12 Members. ]]

|Pohsim| |Sabrina| |Jonathan| |Kevin| |Hazel| |MinHuei| |Josh| |Sam| |Julian| |Alethea| |Anna|

[[ .My Links. ]]

Mr B.O.O.M.B.A

[[ .My Old Junkies. ]]

|January 2008|February 2008|March 2008|April 2008|May 2008|June 2008|July 2008|August 2008|September 2008|October 2008|November 2008|December 2008|January 2009|February 2009|May 2009|June 2009|July 2009|August 2009|September 2009|October 2009|November 2009|December 2009|January 2010|February 2010|March 2010|April 2010|January 2011|February 2011|April 2011|May 2011|June 2011

[[ .Through thick and thin. ]]

Photobucket Photobucket

Photobucket Photobucket


[[ .My happiest moments. ]]

Photobucket Photobucket




[[ .Life of a college student. ]]
Photobucket Photobucket

Photobucket Photobucket


[[ .Here and There. ]]







ReminiscencesLove / daylockheart