as written on; Monday, September 22, 2008
Spring cleaning/flashbacks
All back-to-back assignments /presentations/finals are now non existence in me life!!! YAYS!!
Just when I finally HAD time for myself….
Spring cleaning. >.<
Man do I feel like a maid now. It’s a must to clean my room by today and there's going to be a big hoohah from me mum if I don't get this thing done. I just want to curl up in bed and be covered up with all my soft toys. -..- I feel weary just thinking of cleaning.
I admit my room is pretty messy. My clothes are practically flung everywhere. And I mean EVERYWHERE. Not to mention my lecture notes & books. No words to describe em. My room is just disastrous.
As I went through all my old books & magazines, I came across all those letters I used to write with my so called junior tenderfoot. To think we were so naïf at that time.
I joined the 17th coy girlguides & LEO club when I was in high school so I had a lot of tenderfoots then. It was fun having a sensei tenderfoot to teach me stuff & having the chance to be one myself. Then I got lazy in F5 & I think I skipped all meetings they held. But I still got perfect attendances for those meetings thanks to a certain someone who happened to be one of the B.O.D of the clubs. Wakaka.
So there I was looking through all the letters and pictures we took. My high school era. I LOL-ed. We looked so funny & different from today. I’d love to put more pictures up here but I think if I did I would be slaughtered, boiled & eaten by some of my mates. Hehe.
But I loved the days in high school. Wouldn’t trade it for anything else. I’ve met some of the bestest frens there too. Yes, yes, yes.. It’s you, you & you. Wheehee. Plus I like who I have become today. ^^
Just for the sake of memories:
shocking huh?
Well. Look on the bright side, at least she's good at teachin addmaths. XD